

1.5 Hours


Event Production


Amy Collins


Event Planning, Venue Management, Marketing, Logistics

Empowering Tomorrow's Event Producers

At EmPower iRise, we are dedicated to nurturing the next generation of event producers, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to thrive in the dynamic world of event production. Through our comprehensive workshop program, participants embark on a transformative journey of creativity, organization, and skill-building, guided by industry experts and seasoned professionals.


Ready to master the art of event production? Download our comprehensive workshop package to kickstart your journey with EmPower iRise. This package includes everything you need to know to get started, from signup registration forms to detailed course information and class schedules.

EmPower iRise Ascendancy Program

Event Production Workshop:

  • Event Planning and Coordination
  • Venue Selection and Management
  • Budgeting and Financial Management
  • Event Marketing and Promotion
  • Vendor Management and Contract Negotiation
  • Logistics and Operations Management
  • Risk Management and Emergency Planning
  • Post-Event Evaluation and Analysis

EmPower iRise Ascendancy Program

Course Information

  1. Event Planning and Coordination

    • Introduction to event planning and coordination.
    • Techniques for creating detailed event plans.
    • Practical exercises in event coordination.
  2. Venue Selection and Management

    • Basics of venue selection and management.
    • Techniques for evaluating and booking venues.
    • Practical sessions on venue management.
  3. Budgeting and Financial Management

    • Understanding budgeting and financial management in event production.
    • Techniques for creating and managing event budgets.
    • Practical exercises in financial planning.
  4. Event Marketing and Promotion

    • Basics of event marketing and promotion.
    • Techniques for developing marketing strategies.
    • Practical sessions on promotional planning.
  5. Vendor Management and Contract Negotiation

    • Understanding vendor management and contract negotiation.
    • Techniques for working with vendors and negotiating contracts.
    • Practical exercises in vendor management.
  6. Logistics and Operations Management

    • Basics of logistics and operations management in event production.
    • Techniques for managing event logistics.
    • Practical sessions on operational planning.
  7. Risk Management and Emergency Planning

    • Understanding risk management and emergency planning.
    • Techniques for identifying and mitigating risks.
    • Practical exercises in emergency planning.
  8. Post-Event Evaluation and Analysis

    • Basics of post-event evaluation and analysis.
    • Techniques for evaluating event success.
    • Practical sessions on creating evaluation reports.

Workshop Highlights:

  1. Comprehensive Event Planning

    • Participants are trained in all aspects of event planning and coordination. Practical exercises ensure that every participant is skilled and confident in managing events from start to finish.
  2. Effective Marketing Strategies

    • Learn techniques for effective event marketing and promotion. Practical sessions provide a comprehensive understanding of marketing strategies for events.
  3. Industry Insights

    • Gain valuable insights into the event production industry through guest lectures, panel discussions, and industry visits. Learn about trends, strategies, and career opportunities from seasoned professionals.

Through EmPower iRise’s “Community Outreach Event,” participants are invited to explore the diverse career opportunities within the event production industry. This program is designed not only for those with a passion for event planning but also for individuals inclined towards logistics, marketing, public relations, and other critical aspects of the event production ecosystem. It underscores the notion that one’s contribution to the world of event production can be as varied as the industry itself.

Empowering Aspirations in Event Production:

  • Event Planning Careers: Highlighting roles such as Event Planners and Coordinators, this segment explores how effective planning and coordination drive the success of events.

  • Marketing and Promotion Roles: From Event Marketers to PR Specialists, workshops delve into the marketing and promotional strategies, offering participants insights into creating successful event campaigns.

  • Logistics and Operations Management: Focusing on the importance of logistics and operations, this segment explores roles such as Logistics Coordinators and Operations Managers, essential for ensuring smooth event execution.

  • Risk Management and Evaluation: Addressing the importance of risk management and post-event evaluation, this includes roles such as Risk Managers and Event Analysts, crucial for maintaining safety and assessing event success.

Mentorship Advisors

Olivia Jones

Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.

Michael Reynolds

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Amity Blunt

Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.

Maria Suarez

Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.

Empowering Change

Participating in Fashion Forge has the potential to bring about significant economic change in the lives of participants. Here's how:

Impact and Economic Change

  1. Job Creation

    • By equipping participants with the skills and knowledge needed to pursue careers in event production, EmPower iRise contributes to job creation within the event planning industry. Aspiring event producers find opportunities in event planning companies, corporate event departments, and as independent planners.
  2. Entrepreneurship

    • EmPower iRise empowers participants to explore entrepreneurial opportunities in event production, such as starting their own event planning businesses or production companies.
  3. Skills Development

    • Through hands-on training and mentorship, EmPower iRise enhances participants’ employability and earning potential by equipping them with valuable skills in event planning, marketing, and logistics.